In China, novel coronavirus pneumonia is a major event in Shanghai. Every year in July, most of the aluminum industry members will gather in the city to participate in the domestic industry exhibition, which is hosted by the reed exhibition group. The exhibition has been held for 15 years, but this year, due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the exhibition will have to be postponed to the next year. However, in order to meet the business needs and enthusiasm of the industry, on the afternoon of July 2, the Organizing Committee of aluminum industry exhibition organized an online …
Production and manufacture of battery module of aluminum alloy core parts for BMW electric vehicle
The popularity of electric vehicles in the future largely depends on the progress of battery technology. The performance of batteries must meet a series of customer requirements such as endurance, charging time, power output, reliability, durability, safety and cost.Battery system, motor and intelligent energy management system are the cornerstone of Edrive electric drive technology for BM…
2020-07-22 -
Hot spot inventory of aluminum consumption in the first half of 2020
From the perspective of aluminum product application and promotion, demand substitution is also one of the main directions of aluminum application expansion in essence, whether it is automobile lightweight, or the continuous extension of aluminum household application range, etc. from the perspective of aluminum industry consumption hotspots in the first half of the year, there is a more obviou…
2020-07-22 -
Automobile industry is a big field to expand aluminum application
Among the 124 existing industries in the national economy, the automobile industry is one of the most widely used aluminum industries. According to Chen Yilong, director of the expert committee of the automobile lightweight technology innovation alliance of China Automotive Engineering Society, China's current automobile gasoline and diesel consumption accounts for 65% of the gasoli…